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Patterns of Cortico-Limbic Activations During Visual Processing of Sad Faces in Depression Patients: A Coordinate-Based Meta-Analysis


The author retrieved 10 functional magnetic resonance imaging studies about visual tasks for emotional faces in subjects with depression. The activation foci were then summarized and entered into a coordinate-based meta-analysis. The depression group showed significantly increased activations in the left striatum and left parahippocampal gyrus; the control group showed increased activations in the left medial frontal gyrus, left middle frontal gyrus, right thalamus, left anterior cingulate, and superior frontal gyrus. The study suggests that depression patients have limbic activations, and controls have fronto-thalamic activations with visual processing of emotional faces.

Visual processing of emotional faces is important for the pathophysiology of depression. There is much evidence showing that processing of facial emotions will involve both cortical and subcortical systems.1 Fitzgerald et al.’s meta-analysis concludes that frontal deactivations and subcortical activations might play a role in deficits of emotional processing for depression.2 Among the subcortical system, the striatum is important for the recognition of facial emotions. Non-threatening faces with emotion, such as sad faces, are associated with activations in the left ventral striatum.3 Fu et al. indicated that depressed patients would have heightened capacities for activations in the ventral striatum and amygdala before antidepressant treatment and that therapy would change activities in these subcortical areas.4 Depression is also associated with increased activations in the left parahippocampal gyrus (PHG) and amygdala with experiencing sad faces.5 Delaveau et al. also mentioned that the limbic system, such as PHG and amygdala, might be hyperactive in depression patients due to loss of inhibitory function from the frontal system.6 Suslow et al. reported that thalamic activities are correlated with personality traits in the recognitions of facial expressions of emotions, and they also suggested that the thalamus might form connections between the striatum and frontal system to form the fronto-striato-thalamic circuit in the visual processing of facial emotions.7 Expectations for unpleasant stimuli would also provoke the heightened response in the thalamus and striatum. Dysregulation in subcortical regions has also been hypothesized as the etiological origin of depression.8 These studies suggest that thalamus, amygdala, and PHG might play vital roles for modulating brain activities in the emotion-specific task.9

These subcortical (limbic) regions also interact with the frontal (cortical) system to form a fronto-limbic network for the modulations of emotional faces.3 The frontal (cortical) system usually inhibits excessive reactions of the limbic subcortical system, which is probably important for visual processing of emotional faces. In the frontostriatal model of depression, the superior frontal gyrus (SFG), medial frontal gyrus (MeFG), middle frontal gyrus (MFG) and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) belong to the frontal system.10 SFG has been reported to be correlated with emotional response to sad faces in alexithymia patients, which is also a neurobiological model for pathophysiology of visual processing of emotions.11 In the stereotactic meta-analysis conducted by Steele et al., they found that healthy controls showed MeFG activation while experiencing sad emotions.12 In the depression model, tryptophan depletion also resulted in reduced MeFG activities associated with loss of empathetic function and loss of adaptive function during threatening context in patients with depression.13 MFG also accounts for the differences of processing happy versus sad faces in brain activities; this area is prone to produce robust responses while experiencing emotional stimulation of social events.14 ACC is usually believed to be associated with sad emotional identification, social behavior, and subjective emotional state.15 The ACC is an important area for processing emotional faces, independently of ages.16,17 ACC is also hypothesized to be the key area for the processing of affective information.18 Davidson et al. also found that depression patients with greater response of the ACC to negative stimuli of emotions showed robust treatment response after antidepressant treatment, which suggested ACC’s role in the prognosis of depression.19 The ACC in the modulation of negative emotions in depression has been replicated in the following studies,18,20,21 and these studies all supported dysregulation of ACC for emotion modulations of patients with depression.

According to the above literature, the modulations of cortical and subcortical systems for the visual processing of emotional stimuli might be disturbed in depression. We hypothesized that we could find abnormal activations in cortical and subcortical systems, such as amygdala, thalamus, striatum, PHG, MeFG, MFG, SFG, or ACC when depression patients received visual stimulation of sad faces. We utilized a meta-analysis using the activation likelihood estimation (ALE) method to explore the patterns of activations in brains of patients with depression and controls upon exposure to emotion-relevant facial stimuli. We also hypothesized that there should be differences between depressed subjects and controls during the visual task of emotional faces.


Literature Selection and Data Collection

We conducted systematic a search in PubMed, Scopus, and Medline, using the following keywords “depression,” “visual,” “sad faces,” and “magnetic” to find the articles we needed. We also collected data for two different models; one was “depression versus control,” which showed the activated areas for patients with depression when compared with a healthy-control group; another was “control versus depression,” which revealed the brain activations for the controls when compared with a depression group. For each of the searched studies, we extracted the coordinates (x, y, z) for the foci of interest and the corresponding number of subjects. Only overactivation foci reported as significant at a p value <0.05 in the source studies were included. When necessary, a transformation from the Montreal Neurological Institute to the Talairach space was performed, using the icbm2tal algorithm, according to the ALE method, which was implemented in GingerALE software ( We also followed the MOOSE guideline to report the subsequent meta-analysis of the relevant observational studies.22 We found 10 related articles4,5,21,2329 by the above search method. There were 301 subjects, 43 experiments, 117 conditions, and 298 foci of activations. Within these 10 studies, we established two different groups from each study design and results. In the “depression versus control” group, we excluded the studies of Lawrence et al.28 and Fu et al.25 from the 10 selected articles because there were no “depression versus control” designs in these two studies. The selected 8 papers consisted of 238 subjects, 14 experiments, 50 conditions, and 132 foci of activations. The demographic data and characteristics of “depression versus control” selected articles are shown in Table 1. The demographic data and characteristics of “control versus depression” selected articles are shown in Table 2.

TABLE 1. Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of the Eight Selected Studies Included in the Meta-Analysis of “Depression Versus Control” Groups
StudySubjectsDiagnostic CriteriaPatient CharacteristicsDesign (experimental task and condition)Number of FociStatistical ThresholdOriginal Stereotaxic Space
Gotlib et al.2118 patients versus 18 controlsDSM-IVDepressed, medicated, recurrentSad versus neutral faces contrast; sex identification task (emotional [happy, sad, angry, fearful], neutral, and scrambled faces)1Uncorrected p <0.001Talairach and Tournoux
Keedwell et al.2712 patients versus 12 controlsICD–10Depressed, medicated, recurrentSad faces versus neural faces; mood-provocation paradigm; depression versus control contrast (all displaying mood-congruent [happy, sad, or neutral] facial expressions)7Uncorrected p=0.005Talairach and Tournoux
Surguladze et al.516 patients versus 14 controlsDSM-IVDepressed, medicated, recurrentSad faces versus neutral faces; gender decision task; depression versus control contrast (20 happy, 20 neutral, and 20 sad faces)3Uncorrected p=0.003Talairach and Tournoux
Fu et al.419 patients versus 19 controlsDSM-IVDepressed; drug-free, recurrentSad faces versus cross-hair fixation point; sad affect recognition task; depression versus control contrast (4 separate sessions: low, medium, high intensity of sad faces)89Uncorrected p <0.005Talairach and Tournoux
Chen et al.2317 patientsDSM-IVDepressed; medicated; recurrentSad faces versus cross-hair fixation points; Ekman series; Facial Affect-Processing Experiment; depression versus control contrast10Uncorrected p <0.005Talairach and Tournoux
Fu et al.2419 patients and 19 controlsDSM-IVDepressed, drug-naïve, first-episodeHigh-intensity sad faces versus cross-hair fixation-point; implicit sad facial-recognition task; depression versus control contrast (low, medium, high intensity of sad faces)13Uncorrected p<0.003Talairach and Tournoux
Fu et al.2616 patients versus 16 controlsDSM-IVDepressed, drug-free, recurrentSad faces versus cross-hair fixation-point; implicit sad facial-recognition task; depression versus control contrast (low, medium, high intensity of sad faces)9Uncorrected p<0.005Talairach and Tournoux
Suslow et al.2930 patients, 26 controlsDSM-IVDepressed; medicated, recurrentSad faces versus neutral faces; Ekman series; Facial Affect-Processing Experiment; depression versus control contrast1Uncorrected p=0.00039Montreal Neurological Institute
TABLE 1. Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of the Eight Selected Studies Included in the Meta-Analysis of “Depression Versus Control” Groups
Enlarge table
TABLE 2. Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of the Eight Selected Studies Included in the Meta-Analysis of “Control Versus Depression” Groups
StudySubjectsDiagnostic CriteriaPatient CharacteristicsDesignNumber of FociStatistical ThresholdOriginal Stereotaxic Space
Gotlib et al.2118 patients versus 18 controlsDSM-IVDepressed, medicated, recurrentSad-versus-neutral faces contrast; sex identification task; emotional (happy, sad, angry, fearful), neutral, and scrambled faces2Uncorrected p <0.001Talairach and Tournoux
Keedwell et al.2712 patients versus 12 controlsICD–10Depressed, medicated, recurrentSad faces versus neutral faces; mood-provocation paradigm; control versus depression contrast (all displaying mood-congruent {happy, sad, or neutral] facial expressions)3Uncorrected p=0.005Talairach and Tournoux
Lawrence et al.289 patients versus 11 controlsDSM-IVDepressed; medicated; recurrentSad/neutral faces; facial identities task; control>depression contrast; (either sadness, happiness, or fear with different intensities)4Uncorrected p <0.005Talairach and Tournoux
Surguladze et al.516 patients versus 14 controlsDSM-IVDepressed, medicated, recurrentSad faces; control versus depression contrast; gender decision task; 20 happy, 20 neutral, and 20 sad faces3Uncorrected p=0.003Talairach and Tournoux
Fu et al.419 patients versus 19 controlsDSM-IVDepressed; drug-free, recurrentSad faces versus cross-hair fixation-point; sad affect recognition task; depression versus control contrast (4 separate sessions: low, medium, high intensity of sad faces)0Uncorrected p <0.005Talairach and Tournoux
Fu et al.2519 patients versus 19 controlsDSM-IVDepressed; medicated; recurrentSad faces versus cross-hair fixation-points; facial sad faces task; control versus depression contrast (low, medium, high intensity of emotional faces)19Uncorrected p <0.005Talairach and Tournoux
Fu et al.2419 patients and 19 controlsDSM-IVDepressed, drug-naïve, first-episodeHigh-intensity sad faces versus cross-hair fixation-points; sad facial recognition task; depression versus control contrast (low, medium, high intensity of sad faces)12Uncorrected p <0.005Talairach and Tournoux
Fu et al.2616 patients versus 16 controlsDSM-IVDepressed, drug-free, recurrentSad faces versus cross-hair fixation-points; implicit sad facial recognition task; depression versus control contrast (low, medium, high intensity of sad faces)17Uncorrected p <0.005Talairach and Tournoux
TABLE 2. Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of the Eight Selected Studies Included in the Meta-Analysis of “Control Versus Depression” Groups
Enlarge table

In the “control versus depression” group, we excluded the studies of Chen et al.23 and Suslow et al.29 from the 10 articles because of the lack of “control versus depression” design in these articles. The 8 selected articles included 291 subjects, 18 experiments, 95 conditions, and 60 loci of activation.

Meta-analysis Procedure

We used the ALE theory as the background of our coordinate-based meta-analysis, which recognized the activation foci not as points but as spatial probability distributions centered at the given coordinates.30 The algorithm was modified to minimize within-experiment and within-group effects.31 Coordinates of foci, which were reported in the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) space, were converted to the Talairach space by the icbm2tal transformation algorithm32 before entering the following meta-analysis, which was performed with GingerALE software, Version 2.0 (Research Imaging Center; UT Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX), with better specificity and reasonable sensitivity.33,34 The ALE meta-analysis procedure consisted of four major steps. First, the software computed activation maps of each enrolled study. The model of Gaussian distributions was applied on all the foci of each study, and all these foci were merged into a single, three-dimensional volume. GingerALE software 2.0 used an uncertainty-modeling algorithm, rather than a pre-specified, full-width, half-maximum, smoothing kernel to empirically estimate the inter-subject and inter-exploratory variability in the neuroimaging experiments. Second, the individual modeled activation maps were united to compute the ALE values on a voxel-to-voxel basis, which was constrained to a gray-matter mask that defined the outer limit of the Talairach space. Third, an iterative permutation procedure (1011) was used by sampling each ALE result at an independently-chosen, random location, which would assess the above-chance clustering between experiments with null distribution of random spatial association to distinguish between noise and true convergences. This algorithm used a random-effects model to calculate the above-chance clustering between experiments, and then a fixed-effects model to calculate the above-chance clustering between foci. The iterative permutation was corrected for multiple comparison bias, using the false discovery rate method, with false-positive error p value <0.05. Fourth, a cluster analysis of thresholded maps was performed with the cluster-extent threshold of 200 mm3 criteria. Anatomical labels of these clusters were provided by the Talairach Daemon.35 Final ALE results were exported as NIFTI files into Mango Software (Research Imaging Center; UT Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX) and were overlaid onto an anatomical template generated by spatially normalizing the International Consortium for Brain Mapping template to Talairach space.


Clusters of Activation in “Depression Versus Control” and “Control Versus Depression” Meta-Analysis

The “depression versus control” group showed significantly increased activations of likelihood in left striatum (volume: 1,920 mm3, Talairach coordinates [−19, 12, 7], ALE value: 2.54 × 10−3) and left PHG (volume: 1,472 mm3, Talairach coordinates [−11, −8, −10], ALE value: 3.02 × 10−3; Figure 1); the “control versus depression” group showed left MeFG (volume: 712 mm3, Talairach coordinates [−10, 24, 45], ALE value: 1.89 × 10−3); left MFG ([middle frontal gyrus] volume: 560 mm3, Talairach coordinates [−22, −28, 43]; ALE value: 1.88 × 10−3; right thalamus [volume: 816 mm3; Talairach coordinates [10, −21, 5]; ALE value: 1.71 × 10−3; left ACC [volume: 440 mm3, Talairach coordinates [0, 33, 16]; ALE value: [1.56 × 10−3] and SFG [volume: 408 mm3, Talairach coordinates [2, 30, 48]; ALE value: 1.34 × 10−3; [Figure 1]). All the significant clusters and statistical significance level reached a false discovery rate <0.05 and a cluster-extent threshold >200 mm3.

FIGURE 1. Clusters of Activations During Visual Processing of Emotional Faces in Different Groups

Upper panel showed significantly increased activations of likelihood in left striatum (Talairach coordinates [−19, 12, 7]) and left parahippocampal gyrus (Talairach coordinates [−11, −8, −10]) in the “Depression Versus Control” group. Middle and lower panels demonstrated the significant clusters of activations in “Control Versus Depression” group. Middle panel showed activations over left superior frontal gyrus (Talairach coordinates [2, 30, 48]) and left middle frontal gyrus (Talairach coordinates [−22, −28, 43]). Lower panel showed activations in left medial frontal gyrus (Talairach coordinates [−10, 24, 45]), right thalamus (Talairach coordinates [10, −21, 5]), left anterior cingulate cortex (Talairach coordinates [0, 33, 16]). Areas with hot (lighter) colors showed more statistically significant difference levels than those with cooler (darker) colors.


From the above meta-analytic results, depression subjects recruit more neuronal activities in limbic regions, such as striatum and PHG. In contrast, controls have more activation of the frontal system (MFG, SFG, MeFG, ACC) and one limbic region (thalamus) during visual processing of emotions. Our findings in controls replicated the meta-analytic results of Steele et al., which showed MeFG activations while experiencing facial emotions.12 Our findings in depression patients also replicated the findings of Fitzgerald et al.’s meta-analysis, which showed decreased activities of the frontal system (ACC, MeFG) and increased activities of subcortical system (basal ganglion and hippocampus).2 Delaveau et al. also found frontal and subcortical dysregulations in their meta-analysis of emotion regulation in depression.6 Our findings correspond to the fronto-limbic hypothesis of depression.36 Besides, these regions also replicate the Sheline’s neuroanatomical concept of the limbic–cortical–striatal–pallidal–thalamic circuit, which is extensively interconnected.37 Striatum is usually correlated with emotional regulation and reward feedback.38,39 The increased striatal activities in depressed subjects during emotional recognition might represent the abnormalities of the “striatum” part of the fronto–striatal circuit.10,40,41 The abnormal activities probably represent the dysregulations in the identifications of emotions, compensation for lower motivation, or reward for social cognition and pathophysiology in the basal ganglion in empathetic experience of emotions.42,43 This concept is also supported by several studies showing that striatum dysfunction or damage would disturb the ability to recognize emotion in faces.44,45

Functions of the PHG include the conscious recollection and identification of facial features or emotions.46,47 The PHG also interacts with the amygdala to form the “emotion–memory” circuit and makes emotional memory more salient through enhancement of the encoding phase.9,48,49 Depressed patients have elevated PHG activities toward emotionally-relevant stimuli, but phase of depression and antidepressant treatment can attenuate the heightened responses in this area.50,51 Among the selected studies in this meta-analysis, Surguladze et al.’s reports revealed the increased PHG activities in depressed patients and linear increases of PHG response with exposure to sad faces.5 These studies support the PHG’s role in the identification of emotional facial features and possible enhanced retrieval or encoding of emotion-related memory when patients with depression perceived emotional faces.

The absence of amygdala activations in “depression versus controls” comparison might be explained because patients and controls might utilize the amygdala to a similar degree to produce the emotion-related responses. Besides, Grant et al.52 thought that amygdalar activations might be more significant in depression comorbid with childhood trauma, not pure depression. Finally, the low number of foci in amygdalae in these selected articles might contribute to the findings of absent amygdalar activations.

The control subjects showed more utilization of the frontal system and thalamus than depressed patients, which might suggest different mechanisms between the two groups in managing facial expression of emotions. The frontal executive system is impaired in the depressed patients, and executive dysfunction usually interrelates cognition with mood in visual processing of emotional faces.53 Buchsbaum et al. mentioned that decreased metabolisms over MFG, MeFG, ACC, SFG, and thalamus of depressed patients could be reversed by antidepressant treatment,54,55 which might suggest that these areas are state-markers for depression; our findings also replicated these results. MFG, MeFG, SFG, and ACC are associated with visual/emotional integration, and these areas interact with each other to establish the central network for emotional face recognition, empathic face-to-face interaction, and emotional interpersonal cognition.5659 Kilts et al. found that MFG, MeFG, and SFG might be responsible for the judgments and recognitions of facial emotions.60 Naismith et al. also reported that controls would activate MFG more than depressed patients in an implicit-learning task,61 which might be related to implicit emotional meaning of our meta-analysis. SFG might also contribute to visual attention deficits and emotional context encoding while focusing on the interpretations for the emotions.6265 ACC is important for emotional and cognitive conflict resolution,66,67 rapid processing of salient facial emotional information or response to emotional faces,11,16,21,68,69 emotional self- regulation capacity,43,70,71 visceral emotional responses to aversive visual stimuli,18 visual attention,72 and empathic or associative learning of emotions.13 Controls might have superior ability to activate the ACC for regulating visual processing of emotional faces and conflict resolution when seeing emotional faces.

The thalamus is one part of limbic–cortico–striato–pallidal–thalamic circuit in depression pathogenesis. However, higher activities of the thalamus were observed in this meta-analysis. This can be explained in that the frontal system might work with the thalamus to control other limbic regions (i.e., striatum and PHG) for the responses of facial emotion. This “top-down” emotional network could be the pathophysiological model for our meta-analytic results.73 The thalamus probably interacts with striatum or PHG through thalamo-striatal and thalamo-limbic circuits to facilitate the control over limbic primitive responses for emotional faces.74,75

There are several limitations in this meta-analytic study. First, the age, medication dose and type, actively depressed or remitted status, gender, acquisition MR strengths, and intensity scores of activations in the clusters were not controlled by covariate analysis of these enrolled studies. For example, medication (i.e., antidepressant) effects in the brain is an important issue for possible biases in such a study. Antidepressants might influence cortico–subcortical connectivity and functional activities in healthy volunteers.76 The existence of medication might limit us to confirm the findings here likely to be related to depression, and not secondary to medication. Psychopathological status is another important confounder because actively-depressed and remitted-depressed patients might have different expressions of brain function or structure.77 These should be considered as covariates in the further ALE meta-analysis. Second, the number of enrolled studies seems relatively lower, which might limit the power of results.78 Also, the foci in our meta-analysis would be inadequate (132 foci and 60 foci, respectively) for the typical meta-analysis. Our meta-analytic results might suffer from limited power because of the limited number of coordinates and enrolled studies. Third, baseline tasks to which the sad faces were compared in these selected studies are different (i.e., neutral faces, cross-hair fixation-point, or scrambled faces). This can have a major effect on activation, particularly in limbic areas,79 which might be related to the absence of significant amygdala findings in the current meta-analysis.


From the meta-analytic results, we could conclude that depressive patients might have higher activation in limbic regions, and controls might have higher fronto–thalamic activations during visual processing of emotional faces.

From the Dept. of Psychiatry, Cheng Hsin General Hospital, Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC, and
Dept. of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.
Send correspondence to Dr. Lai; e-mail:

Statement of interest: no conflicts to declare.


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